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Artist Statements:
"Each new painting series gets titled based upon new energies I am experiencing and the new techniques being explored. My painting practice is forever evolving reflecting my path of spiritual growth. May our paths meet to celebrate and understand one another's creativity and perspectives, in this multifaceted crystal matrix reality." -Laura

Artist Statement

Sonic Crystallographics

Painting outside allows the sunlight energy and earth energy to merge onto the canvas.The water poured, flows around the crystals in the fundamental patterns of the meander, wave, drop and vortex spiral. Deeper Meanings of the gemstones reveal themselves to me as I work with them in my life through art and sound healing meditation. My paintings use non-toxic resin to shrink around the gems creating a mechanical force producing a piezo-electric charge. This one second pulsation like in a quartz watch, converts ions in the air to negative charges creating a beneficial environment around the painting -like being near a salt lamp or natural running water.

My intention if for these living crystal paintings to have healing energy. My painting practice started after my 2008 MFA degree at Maryland Institute College of Art. There I researched water patterns as metaphors for patterns of thought. With photographs and color darkroom photograms, I collected evidence and created images of constructed new life forms and imaginary cellular worlds. Now I find similar patterns in my paintings as with the sacred geometry, matrices and flow forms in gemstones.

Sonic Crystallographics

Artist Statement


Confluence is the meeting of two rivers or ideas. In this series of paintings, I am exploring the integration of mark making and poured paint. The marks, as spirals and circles signify my investigations into the invisible energy in the universe. Torsion waves, scalar energy, orgone energy, chi, prana, the source field, are all names for this force that surrounds us and is within us. Sound and light frequencies emanate from the center of the galaxy relaying energy and information from the sun, stars and planets to resonate with the cells in our bodies. In turn our personal frequencies rise as our awareness of these invisible forces increases. Sensitivity to others around us, to the information we consume, to the food we eat and to how our energy is affected is vital to our expanding consciousness. 

Flow patterns of water demonstrate the idea of our present state of mind and if we are in the flow or not. How our life can be a series of synchronistic events allowing for smooth transitions in times of stress. Our ability to manage stress, creatively problem solve and return back to balance combined with increasing our imagination and awareness of cosmic energy will help the collective consciousness evolve. 

These paintings use resin as a shrinking device around quartz crystals and/or metallic gold paints. This squeezing of the crystalline structures creates a life enhancing pulsation just like quartz crystals in a watch. They help to clear the immediate area around the painting from electromagnetic radiation and restructure Wi-Fi that may be throwing our bodies out of synch. This work assists living in tune with the world and finding synchronicity and harmony in daily life. 

Artist Statement

Channeling Nadis

With all of my Channeling Nadis series, the paintings are topographical maps of the hills and rivers around my property. The rain I noticed makes small rivers down the hillside. They are exactly like larger streams or rivers, just on a smaller scale. I am fascinated when I pour the watered down media over the canvases, that the water follows these river channels. As the canvas dries, the pattern of water changes and layers of rivers form. The fabric allows me to gain an imprint of the ground as I trace it with flowing water mixed with acrylics and inks. This fractal branching is in the human body in many ways and in our wiring of bodily energy systems. I pour a lot of water so that it picks up and carries the paint with it like sediment in a river. Most of the paint I use is a mineral color: copper, silver, Mayan gold, or turquoise. Each painting has a trail of minerals flowing off the end of it. The pathways or channels change and flow in new patterns with every adjustment. 


While making these paintings I channeled poetry and information from a very loving and comforting energy, the titles are from these written works. 

Artist Statement

Evolving Patterns

This new series of paintings explores fluid water patterns of life. The paint records the movement as the liquid flows around the obstacles occurring in its path. As we are faced with challenges in our lives, we are called to evolve and float down the river meandering around each boulder as it comes. EVOLVING PATTERNS express the beauty and grace of change in our lives.

In these paintings I create resistances of crackling and dropped circles of acrylic paint to challenge the flow of ink and water. I pour a lot of water so that it picks up and carries the paint with it like sediment in a river. Most of the paint I use is a mineral color: copper, silver, Mayan gold, or turquoise. Each painting has a tail or trail of minerals flowing off the end of it. There are both micro details showing fractal patterning and also the overall form of the primary water drop shape, the seed of life. The patterns are like asteroids or star seeds that come down here with genetic material to create new life and replenish the minerals of the earth. The earth itself as a living organism is seeded, grows and evolves.

Evolving Patterns is the downloading of new information, the seeds of a new thought. In an unpredictable future, we look to patterns for hope, freedom and positive change. Freedom means being in the flow of life and being free from old belief systems that no longer serve us. This is a message about personal growth and not an external catastrophe. When we find ourselves at an imbalance, how do we move around those obstacles? My message for Evolving Patterns is an evolution of our emotional and spiritual intelligence, looking at the places where we are blocked, where our hearts are broken and clearing them. Star seeds allow for a dream to emerge through our own extra sensory biological communication. As our hearts open, we connect our minds and hearts to manifest a new empathic way of healing and a way to evolve out of duality. These patterns integrate our bodies, hearts and minds to become more evolved

Channeling Nadis
Evolving Patterns
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